Saturday, September 14, 2024

A line from Alain Delon

I am learning the ropes of a new 
role. I am not sure I want to join, 
but persuade myself it's time to 
escape the empty chatter that fills 

most lives. I am somewhat uncer-
tain that it is wise to do so, still
believe that, in the main, we're all 
loners, to differing degrees, that

close friends will always be hard 
to find & maintain relationships
with. YouTube videos paint a world 
without conflict, where we thrive 

from connection, are certain that 
we matter. The kind of solitude 
that I desire is born from a disparity 
between my personal ability & my 

creative vision. I intend to avoid 
talking about current events: what 
would you like to talk about? I'm 
ready. Grief demands to be felt.


1 comment:

Texas fontanella said...

All agents defect, all resistors sell out