Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Camembert of Time (an early draft from 20 years ago)

               the persistence 
                    of memory 
                took an 
                     ice cube
out of the freezer
           & closed
                his fingers 
                      over it. When 
     he opened them 
                      there was
     a small 
                 pool of water 
            in his palm. He said:
      you remember
            the piece of ice. I
feel its retained coldness
            & recall
            some frames from 
                        a movie 
        I made with Buñuel.
                  A man’s hand.
                         A hole
                         in it.

Time is
plastic, just like
these watches. Why
we remember 
some things & 
not others
is because they come 
closer to us. The
cliffs of
Catalonia are static
but the ants
will eat
away at them &
they’ll decay. I lie
here, unable to
remember what 
I looked like.
The painting
is about the impermanence
of memory, & yet
most people
who’ve seen it
always seem
to remember 
what it looked

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