Friday, June 09, 2023

Now available

Now out from sandy press.

Mark Young
with the slow-paced turtle replaced by a fast fish
sandy press, 2023
94 pages
$US 19.95
ISBN: 978-1736816066
Available through Amazon

Mark Young's language is at once familiar, sprinkled with unusual words beloved of the philologist in us. There is a Magritte-like gap between image and object, with a title that sounds as though it comes from a fable by La Fontaine. These are poems for the Zeitgeist, poems of the Internet Age and post-colonialism, a demystification couched in at times mysterious language. Poems written in a demotic language, apocalyptic, cynical, utopian and always beautiful, stripping pop-culture illusions bare while creating new myths, a deliberate misreading to create new truths. You think you know what's coming in Young's work, but there are always twists and turns enough to surprise you and catch you out; his latest collection, with the slow-paced turtle replaced by a fast fish, does not disappoint.

—Javant Biarujia, author of Pointcounterpoint: Selected and new poems, Resinations, and Spelter to Pewter. Creator of the Taneraic language and compiler of its comprehensive dictionary.

There's a sampler available at sandy press.

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