Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hey, please, get off of my cloud

Probably only the fabled Prieuré du Sion has guarded its secrets as closely as The Cloud Appreciation Society. Now some of its members, tired of the secrecy, have decided to open their texts and visions to the world. In this slim volume, edited by Márton Koppány and Nico Vassilakis, we see for the first time what has previously been hidden in the clouds.

Apparently, The Cloud Appreciation Society doesn't appreciate people who appreciate The Cloud Appreciation Society. I have received an email from Lulu saying they were withdrawing the above book from their lists. The why came in response to my email asking what was going on. I've extracted from them below. The first paragraph is from the second email.
"We have been contacted by Gavin Pretor-Pinney of the The Cloud Appreciation Society. He has informed us that this book is not affiliated with The Cloud Appreciation Society in any way. Your book also contains images taken, without permission, from their website."

"As a result, we have removed your content from availability, as per our Membership Agreement, which states 'Lulu reserves the right to refuse to permit your publication on the Site of any Content that Lulu, in its sole discretion, deems in violation of the terms and conditions set forth above.'"

Questionable Content Team,


Paul Siegell said...

that's just nuts. can it be revived?

Anonymous said...

elitist cloudinistas

mark young said...

What I do find nuts is that there actually is a Cloud Appreciation Society....

&, no, the book isn't going to be revived in this format, but it isn't going to go away.