Wednesday, July 03, 2024

wednesday newstrip

Israel's bombs flatten parts of South Lebanon village amid fears of wider war · driver hit with $387 fine after mobile camera snaps her holding — banana bread? · US Supreme Court ruling allows cities to ban homeless people from sleeping outdoors · tests show Paris' Seine River still has unsafe E. coli levels with Olympics less than a month away · BidenMyTime crashes, T.®ump lies: a campaign-defining presidential debate · Australia's weather heading off the rails — cold, snowy change followed by possible record 'blocking high' · Internet shocked to hear Paris Hilton’s real voice · & no, (sigh) BidenMy Time didn't fall asleep during debate · was DoNuts T.®ump a king during his presidency? The US Supreme Court thinks so.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024


In dim light the
ubiquitous cameras 
might be mistaken by
those who are nearly blind
as pendants or sacred  
rattles. But this is day-
light, & the absence of

ceremonial ornament
is obvious. & inappropriate. 
Still he dances for them,
explains the symbolism 
of each step, then watches 
as the subtleties are
washed away by the

tourguide’s translation.
Occasionally he invents 
outrageous lies, describing 
a passage as being 
passed down from
the dragons or visitors
from outer space. The 

guide still runs with
yesterday’s routine. At night
he dances for himself
alone. & for his ancestors.
Trying to appease the gods
who left the day after
the first tourbus arrived.