Friday, June 21, 2024

Curl, Sandbagged

A sedentary dog arrives sniffing
at the side door, possibly to see if
the wings the door bears have be-
come inelastic from that dip in the 
bay this morning. Or, perhaps, some
icy hurricane blowing up from the
Southern Ocean might have left a
fanciful trail of avoirdupois in its
wake that will give some weight
to the parallel conceit that the fog 
may equally come on big dog feet.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

McAfee rushed to hospital after asylum bid rejected

Critics say the draft, drawn up by a body dominated by Chinese fishing vessels from waters near China's southern Hainan province, was rushed through parliament without proper consultation & does not do enough to protect political & religious freedoms & the rights of women. "They also lack inspiration in terms of their quest to warn everybody about child safety issues." Also up for discussion today will be the terms of a final agreement on changing the rules of succession for the British monarchy to allow first-born non-binary persons to become heirs to the throne. These plans were meant as a countermeasure to what the Israelis described as a unilateral Palestinian move at the United Nations, which they said violated their previous signed agreements. World leaders denounced the reaction, & critics warned that any future settlement building could harm the prospects of a viable & contiguous Palestinian state. What remains the core issue however, is recognizing the fact that the fight against corruption is not just a cause to ensure the legal protections for civil societies against the abuse that they may receive at the hand of those in power, it is in effect, a fight against human suffering caused by an act that transcends simple violation of power.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

wednesday newstrip

China-Australia relations 'back on track', says Chinese Premier Li Qiang · a remarkable group of Aussies stationed in Antarctica will celebrate the Winter Solstice in a very bold way, by swimming in freezing waters between -5 & -25 degrees celsius · Internet could be worsening our fear of small holes, psychologists say · ‘I need your help saving koalas’: Australians band together to build wildlife corridors · new Australian market research suggests the so-called 'bank of mum & dad' could be closing for business … despite its best intentions · old fools caught raiding Groper Creek for mud crabs.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Some people just watch TV

              where a very clear 
                       & transparent 
         evolutionary mantra is 
                offered in direct contra-
            diction to the mysterious 
                   Mars picture of aliens 
                impersonating liquor stores 
                       we received via X, that
                    artifact formerly known 
         as twitter, earlier on this week.

Monday, June 17, 2024

In the plantain patch

The road that wraps around the
Conservatory is full of palanquins 
parked end to end. Which is a 
surprising fact given that there is

never anyone here in need of a ride; 
&, even if there were, there are no 
gharry drivers in sight on site to take
their place between the handles to 

carry them away. The music that this 
place is famous for has disappeared. 
It reappears sometime later as comp-
anion to news footage that depicts a 

procession of men carrying a convoy 
of occupied palanquins behind some
marching band. Subsequent forensic 
analysis reveals the footage is fake.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

another / poem from / the spam box

Fortunately, your money has been reviewed.
Your new assistant's trade was executed pleasantly.
Recuperate your prevalent ID profile, liberally check.

Your yearly plan will after a short time go into results.
The got demand bill has been charged no further.

We esteem your deeply grounded legitimacy in the eyes.
Assuming no one really cares either way, practice in-
dustriousness while your demise request is inspected.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

My agonist aunt writes

To dampen the effect of sex
pheromones on the mixperson
when making a cake concoction
from backyard grasses & pain-
reducing medicines, it is often

efficacious to include infusions
of green tea with bee honey &
Citrus limonum to reduce any
antagonism &/or destructive
conflict arising in nearby gynes.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

wednesday thursday newstrip

Australian Opposition leader, Putrid Dustbin, is to pull Australia out of the Paris Agreement, & bring in nuclear power if his right-wing coalition wins the next election · Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has suffered a light whiplash injury after she was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen, her office has said · grim scenes at Aldi as snow gear overflows "Special Buys" shelves bedcause it appears there's little snow this year · security experts have raised alarm over the vulnerability of older iPhone models, warning users with "outdated" tech are now more vulnerable to cyberattacks · survey reveals Australians distrust China & are losing faith in United States · don't know much about the clitoris? The International Cliteratti will help.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Now out from Otoliths

Otoliths has just released 100 Titles From Tom Beckett — Poems by Mark Young, Paintings by Thomas Fink, & with an Afterword by Tom Beckett.

Mark Young & Thomas Fink
100 Titles From Tom Beckett
full color
152 pages
ISBN: 978-0-6455483-3-4
Direct URL:

Tom Beckett's list was challenging. Sure there were some straightforward titles; but when you're confronted by 'Some of America’s Finest Malapropisms Stagger into a Bar' or 'He hadn’t Always Wanted to be Somebody’s Girl' or 'The Nine Stages of the Decomposition of a Corpse.' it's definitely time to kick into overdrive.

Add to that a common comment on my poetry is many of my titles have little relevance to the poems that accompany them. That is something I could not allow to happen here. Instead, the poems had to pay their respect, homage even, to the title that gave them birth.

I think I have done that successfully. &, helped along by the paintings from Thomas Fink, given me a collection of which I am most proud.
— Mark Young

Mark Young’s insightful, laser-sharp new poems in 100 Titles From Tom Beckett invite paradox and chance to dance with the sparks and echoes of Tom Beckett’s hilarious, downtempo titles and Tom Fink’s paintings of spreading fractals and swirling ropes of color. Young’s humor and pathos sprinkled with inkblots of bathos illuminate this book. His magnetic fields tease the push/pull levers of constraint and release. “I seem to be attracted / to things that do not exist, no / beginning, no end. Non-end - // ities, if you like, until negated / which then creates them.” Young’s poems often playfully reflect upon their own development and diversion as they proceed, exposing an openness to process at each turn of phrase. It is a pure delight to see Young, Beckett, and Fink – three master poets in their own right – join hands in the creative adventure of this marvelously generous work.
— Charles Borkhuis, author of *Rearview Mirror*

Reading 100 Titles From Tom Beckett makes me recall something I’ve sometimes thought about Mark Young’s poems: if all words created a block, the poet made poems by chiseling some of them out to fall randomly on the floor; the poet then assembled the words into lines and poems surface through a music created by breath and syllablic rhythm. These poems then are unique in that Mark volunteers that he actually tried to make his poems relate to the titles given by Tom Beckett. And yet the leap between title and text is not (always) linear, might be considered opaque in some cases, so that the reader's freedom of response is not diminished. What’s relevant to me is seeing how Beckett’s titles are such strong muses for Young’s poems. These poems present the play of brotherhood, as affirmed by Thomas Fink’s paintings where colors and shapes effect a harmony that couldn’t have been anticipated by each individual element before the painter joined them. Poems can be created through a multitude of ways and these results indicate the generative effect of affectionate brotherhood, while affirming that poetry succeeds by creating relationships and connections.
— Eileen R. Tabios

[Lulu has a 15% discount — promo code BOOKGOALS15 — running this week until Friday night. Promo codes for future weeks can be found each Monday at the Lulu Press Facebook page.]

Friday, June 07, 2024

Today the post-
woman brought
me the latest 

issue of Conspiracy 
Theory Quarterly 
in its plain alfoil 

wrapper. I waved 
to the spy satellite 
as I carried it in.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

wedneday newstrip

Speaking outside the court after being convicted on 34 charges of falsifying business records, DoNuts T.®ump said he had been subject to a "rigged trial" by a "corrupt" judge, without providing any evidence to back up those claims · idiotic man fined for trying to 'body slam' orca off New Zealand coast · breast implant removals on the rise in Australia as researchers study health issues · Hellblade II tips for mastering the game’s visceral combat · accusations that DoNuts T.®ump has taken advantage of taxpayers by overcharging for lodging & travel for his Secret Service detail are once again being raised · ABBA receive Swedish knighthood for pop career that started at Eurovision · the ANC party that freed South Africa from apartheid loses its 30-year majority in landmark election.