Friday, March 29, 2013

snapshot of . . . what?

I am sitting
on my ass in

the garden
picking weeds

& reciting
"Moses supposes

his toeses
are roses but

Moses supposes

Sunday, March 24, 2013

In a talk

I gave a couple of years ago, I said, explaining my way of writing, "...the poem itself uses two techniques that play an important part in what I am going on to talk about. The first is parataxis, the juxtaposition of phrases or dissimilar images or fragments that have no clear connection with one another. The second technique is something I'll call varietal or news-channel parataxis, seeking out phrases that have the potential to create an alternate reality through their juxtaposition."

A just-found example of news-channel parataxis that caught my eye today:
A psychiatric patient imprisoned after she attempted to murder her boyfriend is still on the run from a Melbourne hospital. Close calls with sharks caught on film.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Merman Hanging from a Gibbet

Harlequin diamonds are
must-haves for fashion-
able women, now that
they are back on the map
for 'it' handbags with new
styles & such modern
colors as Waterlily Pink
& New Bronze available.

& in the home, unpinned,
stuck to the door, access-
orized with the movement
of a hanging merman, they
add a sense of drama &
visual tension to any space.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fever won milks in February

la fièvre de won des laits en février







Thursday, March 14, 2013

The next big thing

I was recently tagged by Lars Palm to participate in a self-interview meme. It's obvious from the questions that it sprang from somewhere other than poetry, but, hey, what the hell! I've responded below, but have not tagged anyone to follow on from me. However, feel welcome to do so.

What is/was the working title of the book?

The Codicils. The title stems from the following definition — "Codicil: an instruction or amendment which is added to an existing Will & which, in effect, becomes part of that Will" &, in keeping with that, the book is actually a collection of books, or, at least, a collection of book-sized themes. At present count, about ten books, about six hundred plus poems. Lots of pages.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

Not really so much "an idea", but the continuation of "an idea(l)." It's essentially a temporal ex(is)tension of my selected Pelican Dreaming which, I suppose, could be considered as the "existing Will."

What genre does your book fall under?

Poetry? Humor? Genetics? Chaos Theory? Plagiarism? Geography? Speculative Fiction? Searched Engine? Bricolage? Autobiography? Alternative Medicine?

What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

There's an animated series on TV called Miniscule, about the lives of insects. There are any number of possible actors displayed there, & the variety of insects portrayed would probably cover all contingencies & dramatic interpretations required.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

How long is a piece of string, & how many strands is it made up of?

How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

A thousand years. A moment. Somewhere in between. How long is a piece of string?

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

I was wondering how long a piece of string was, so I looked it up in Google . . . :-)

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

It contains evidence that, in uni/verses parallel to this, Fermat's last theorem has yet to be proved, & mammoths still shake the tundra. The clues are all around us. I have simply put some of those pieces together.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

It will be published by Otoliths in the next few months, along with grounds by harry k stammer. harry has been responsible for the preparation of nearly all the covers of the many books from the press. These will be the last two books to come out from Otoliths.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Glass Key

for Dashiell Hammett & Jo Nesbø
Ned finds the body of a
Senator’s son on the street.
He's tall, lean, mustachioed
& tubercular. He's also
a gambler. & a big fan of
literary noir. You can use
census records & voter
lists to see where he's lived

over the years. They have
a pervasive feeling of moral
& sexual ambiguity which
may not be visible yet be-
cause of a delay in updating
the database. You can also
use them to read about
Harry's journey to Thailand.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

some janvary pwoermds

from won des laits








