Wednesday, August 26, 2020

wednesday newstrip

Apparently Liam Hemsworth has ‘a low opinion’ of Miley Cyrus, so file that in the ‘fkn ouch’ folder · DoNuts SoNuts To&FroNuts T.®ump attacks Goodyear after red MAGA hats reportedly banned on their factory floors · Oculus VR headsets will soon require Facebook accounts · mystery gas has been detected shooting 'like bullets' from our galactic center · Service New South Wales tells farmers to put sheep on planes to get around border restrictions · Sweden's coronavirus response was lauded. It just recorded its highest death toll in 150 years · SloNuts GloNuts PhoNuts T.®ump embraces QAnon belief that the p(r)issygent "is secretly saving the world from a satanic cult of pedophiles & cannibals." Why this sudden embrace? 'Because they like me.'

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