Monday, February 22, 2010

Out from Otoliths—Paul Siegell's wild life rifle fire

Finally! After trials, tribulations, panic attacks, potential coronaries, all brought about by what Ron Silliman aptly described as the print process deciding to collaborate on the content of the book, Paul Siegell's wild life rifle fire is out, later than its intended binary date of 01.11.10, earlier than its cautious rescheduling of 02.28.10. But it's passed its 2nd & 3rd re-proofings with flying colors black & whites, so let's crack a be-ribboned bottle of champagne upon its spine & launch it now.

wild life rifle fire
Paul Siegell
96 pages
Otoliths 2010
ISBN: 978-0-9806025-6-2
$10.00 + p&h
Lulu URL link
Amazon URL link
Paul Siegell’s wild life rifle fire proves, if proof were needed, that the electrifying art and legacy of Concrete Poetry is not dead!

Siegell’s book-length carmen figuratum not only flashes the reader back to the heady first days of the Noigrandes Group in São Paulo and Eugen Gomringer’s adventures in VisPo, but even further back to Medieval anagrams, Greek bucolic poems and Sumerian figure poems. Here we find DaDa dynamite and typographical talismans freshened by a poet whose native gifts imbue this exciting work with a whole new sense of "poetic object."

Siegell’s haptic heroism compels the reader to re-examine the basic elements of a language that we too often take for granted, in the process creating an energetic and always surprising work of both visual art and poetry. Not to be missed! —Vladimir Slender-Hedge
Signed copies of wild life rifle fire are also available. Full details can be found at Paul Siegell's blog, ReVeLeR@eYeLeVeL.

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