Thursday, April 29, 2010

Busy week

doing things editorial. 16 hour days hunched in front of a hot monitor. Smoking far too much, as I tend to do when I'm engaged in such pursuits. (&, as a side issue, I see that the Federal Government is going to increase duty on cigarets, which will increase the price by about 20%, which will mean I'll be paying an extra $20 per week for the privilege of killing myself by harmful inhalation. &, they're going to insist the tobacco companies start producing their wares in packaging with nil branding; just a huge photo of something like gangrene, a huge warning as to how smoking is a health hazard or causes cancer or..., & in small letters, the brand varietal.)

But I've caught up on getting Otoliths ready for going live. Only two more things to do, one fiddly, one very easy (putting a new front page in place in just over 24 hours!).

& I've even managed to get the next book in the Otoliths catalog to the stage where I've just ordered a proof copy for the author.


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